Dental Arts Of Frisco is staffed with trained knowledgeable dental professionals to help you identify oral health issues and provide you with the best dental solutions to address your needs. Our Frisco dental office provides oral medicine and dental services for patients suffering from medically complex issues. We work with patients just like you who are suffering from the pains and discomfort of oral cancers, ulcers, and special needs of cancer survivors. Our Frisco dental office uses modern dental technologies to help patients with particular oral health issues receive the dental services they deserve to live the best life possible. We know that patients suffering from soft tissue diseases are at risk for experiencing treatment-related complications. The oral medicine experts at our Frisco dental office will work closely with you to understand your needs and help you maintain the optimal level of oral health. You will enjoy a process that minimizes the risk of developing additional oral problems associated with traditional oral procedures that can cause further damage to soft tissues in the mouth. Our Frisco dental office is proud to provide unmatched personalized care and dedicated dental services for patients experiencing advanced complications for cancer patients and cancer survivors. Maintaining good oral health throughout the treatment of cancer care is vital to ensure the overall health of not just your mouth, but also your general wellbeing. Our doctors are trained, experienced, and certified in oral medicine and have experience in the diagnosis and treatment of oral complications that occur in cancer patients in the Frisco community. We provide personalized care by taking into consideration different variables that occur during the diagnosis and treatment of cancer. Here are some of the clinic services that we offer:
- Dental screening application for individuals scheduled to obtain head and neck radiation therapy, hematopoietic stem cell transplantation, and antiresorptive (bone-strengthening) remedies.
- Control of oral complications of cancer treatment, such as dry mouth, mucositis (mouth sores), diseases, jaw osteonecrosis, graft-versus-host disorder, and other problems.
- Patient education and counseling that’s tailored and personalized to your particular risks and requirements.
- Survivorship and long-term follow-up applications for patients at higher risk for developing late oral complications.